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The football program, in conjunction with the cheerleaders, raised over $1000 which was donated to a local breast cancer center.
The Bulldogs visit local elementary schools encouraging them to continue to strive toward high standards in Academics, Preparation, Active School Involvement, and Integrity.
Bulldogs Collect E-Waste for recycling
Bulldogs Raise Funds for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Bulldogs Visit Local Elementary Schools
Bulldogs rebuild “The Wonder” at Andrews Park
The Bulldogs pitched in to help rebuild the "Great Wonders" Playground at Andrews Park. It was a very rewarding experience for all. We appreciated the opportunity to help give back to the community we are so proud to be citizens of.
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Vacaville Football community service
Bulldogs collect donated water for Nor-Cal fire efforts
Your Bulldogs were awarded the 2018-2019 CIF Sac-Joaquin Section Community Service Award for their “Those Who Can, Should” bottled water relief effort campaign. With the help of the community, the Bulldogs collected over 1200 cases of water that was distributed throughout Northern California during the 2018 fires.